What is it – Ensuring Child Safety?
You are doing your best to ensure that your child grows up healthy, does not experience any obstacles to his psychological development. But sometimes, some points in your home life that you have overlooked and therefore cannot take precautions against can threaten your child’s safety. However, thanks to safety measures, you can minimize household accidents and ensure the safety of your baby. Let’s share some tips about baby and child safety now.
1. Fix Some Furniture
Especially if your child has just started walking, he may need support to get up after crawling and get support from furniture. Furniture that is not fixed and can be easily moved can cause your child to be injured. We know that you don’t want to face such a situation. Therefore, fixing products such as a small table, a television unit on wheels to the floor or wall can help make your living space safer.
2. Get Help with Corner Protective Products
Some of the furniture in your home may have pointed corners. We are sure that they are very stylish in design, but unfortunately it is also true that such furniture poses a threat to the safety of your child. Because, as our elders used to say, “A child grows up in a dream.” and as you can imagine, hitting his head or body in a pointed area during a fall can cause serious injuries. For this reason, it is very important to close the pointed corners of your items such as coffee tables, consoles, tables, and perhaps even armchairs with corner protectors to provide a safe environment for the baby.

Prevent danger with window and cabinet locks
3. Prevent Dangers with Window and Cabinet Locks
One of the most distinctive features of children is undoubtedly their desire to explore the world. That’s exactly why they ask dozens of questions Dec a row and are looking for new discoveries! But this curiosity can cause your child to be harmed if you do not make adequate applications about baby safety measures at home.
4. Use a Lock For Situations That May Occur Due to Household Appliances
Although your eyes are constantly on her, your baby is an expert in moving fast! He can open cabinets and find cleaning supplies, cutting tools, or medications that may be dangerous to him while you are dealing with something else. Even if there is no harmful product in the drawers or cupboards, his fingers may get stuck. Here, a must-have locker and drawer lock to prevent all this! In addition, you should not forget to secure these points with a child lock to prevent them from opening the window or balcony.
Yes, locks for cabinets and windows are quite important. But in addition to these, you should also take precautions for types of white goods such as ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines. You can also install locks on these devices. In addition, opening the safety locks that exist on the January can also help you ensure safety.
5. Put Products That Can Harm Him Out of Reach
Cutting or flammable products, batteries, medicines, glass decorative products, toys that are too small to swallow… all this can adversely affect the safety of your child. The solution is to place all this stuff out of the reach of children! You should also pay attention to giving age-appropriate preference when choosing toys. It should be remembered that small-sized products can be ingested by children. Finally, you should not forget that hot drinks and food can also harm him, and you should not position anything that is hot within his reach.
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